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The CB Parks and Recreation is bringing indoor climbing back! This is a great activity to develop balance, strength, flexibility, and confidence.
Registration opens on Monday, March 31 at 9am
If the program you wish to register for is full, add to the wait list; we may have the opportunity to expand programming.
Adapative Sports Center Waiver - Must Sign to Participate
April 21 to June 4
*No activities on Memorial Day
8-10 Years Old @ Adaptive Sports Center, Mount Crested Butte
Mondays, 515pm-630pm
Wednesdays, 515pm-630pm
*Please pick only one day to meet the demand for participants.
11-13 Years Old @ Adaptive Sports Center, Mount Crested Butte
Mondays, 630pm-745pm
High Schoolers @ Adaptive Sports Center, Mount Crested Butte
Wednesdays, 630pm-745pm
Parks and Recreation will be providing climbing harnesses and shoes for participants.
Scholarships are available for those who need them. The deadline for scholarships is 1 week prior to the sessions start. Click here for the application or contact Parks and Rec for more info.