Town of Crested Butte Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails
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Summer - Youth Softball Register View Cart

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Join CB Parks and Rec for Summer Softball!

Early Registration Rates (10% discount) are available starting March 31 at 9am! Regular registration begins on April 28 at 9am.
If the program you wish to register for is full, add to the wait list; may have the opportunity to expand programming.
A $50 Jersey Fee will be required at check-out. If jerseys are returned within 4 weeks of the program ending date, then you will be refunded the full Jersey Fee.

CB Parks & Rec summer softball will teach kids skills, like throwing, catching and hitting, plus teamwork and sportsmanship. This program is perfect for both first timers and kids who have played before. Teams will be formed in the age groups below and are coed. 

Are you interested in connecting with the community? Supporting local youth and developing a passion for the sport?

We need coaches to provide quality, developmental, fun programs to Crested Butte youth. Please contact us at or call 970-349-7197 if you are interested.

12U - at Pitsker Field
--- 12U Season Schedule (SEE HERE) - WILL BE AVAILABLE IN MAY
June 9 - July 16
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5pm-615pm

A schedule will be published at the beginning of the season. Games will take place on Fridays and the weekend. Games may require travel to other West Slope communities like Gunnison, Montrose, Ouray, Telluride, or to Buena Vista and Salida.

14U - at Gothic Field  --- 14U Season Schedule (SEE HERE) - WILL BE AVAILABLE IN MAY
June 9 - July 16
Mondays 515-630pm
Thursdays 4pm-5pm
Fridays 515pm-630pm

A schedule will be published at the beginning of the season. Games will take place on Fridays and the weekend. Games may require travel to other West Slope communities like Gunnison, Montrose, Ouray, Telluride, or to Buena Vista and Salida.

Q: What is the current domestic age determination date?
The current domestic age determination date is April 30 of the current year. The age of a baseball player as of April 30 is that player's "league age" for the season. (For example, if your son/daughter would like to play in the 12U division, he/she must be 12 or younger before April 30 of the current year. If your son/daughter would turn 13 on April 29, he/she would not be eligible to participate with the 12-year-old group.)

Equipment: All players must have a glove. Cleats are not required, but recommended for 10U and up.
Scholarships are always available! Clickherefor the application or contact Parks and Rec for more info.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Registration Unavailable
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12U Girls Softball 
9y - 11y N/A TuTh  06/10/2025 - 07/17/2025
05:00 PM - 06:15 PM

Town Park - Pitsker Ball Field
$100.00 R, $100.00 NR
No activities 6/30-7/4
  Registration Unavailable
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14U Girls Softball 
12y - 13y N/A MThF  06/09/2025 - 07/18/2025
View Times

Gothic Field
$100.00 R, $100.00 NR
No activities 6/30-7/4
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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